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Candidate Services

Michael Turi & Associates can help you find a position at a company that is just right for you.

Resume Tips

With a properly formatted and designed resume you can stand out from the rest of the candidates available. Impress the potential client right away with your resume.


Use bullet point format - not paragraphs

One page or two pages - never more

Chronological formats are highly preferred over functional formats


Use exciting action verbs (see below)

Make it 'achievement oriented' - not just a list of job titles and duties

List actual accomplishments for each job

Accomplishments should reflect either $ saved, $ earned, time saved or efficiency (Quantify if possible)

Avoid using the words 'I' and 'me'

Don't include hobbies or activities - unless they directly relate to the job
Never include a photo

Identify key words for your industry & position, then include them in your resume


Spelling; punctuation; grammar

Clarity; tone; accuracy

If there's a time gap between employers, fill it in with an explanation and/or activities undertaken during that time. Never leave it unexplained, it's a red flag.

Keep professional jargon and abbreviations to a minimum.

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To learn more about opportunities in Automotive, please contact us.